Wednesday, September 19, 2012


We are preparing for the MEAP test.  During our 4th grade switches, Mrs. O'Keefe teaches Social Studies with the Michigan book, Mrs. Mosher teaches Science.  I teach the subject English.  It is a study of grammar.   With the MEAP test being the second and third week of October, I'm postponing the grammar subject so we can focus on the MEAP prep.  Each day we focus on two of the GLCE's (grade level content expectation).  By the time we take the MEAP math test each student will have seen a particular GLCE question at least 3 times and many of them 8-9 times.  I had an issue with the MEAP pretest scantron sheet.  Our scantron machine put incorrect marks on the answer sheet.  Mr. Culp has gone back through them and recorrected them. 

I gave each student a pretest packet and their regraded scantron sheet.  Jokingly I told the students to study four to ten questions a night.  I told them to put it under their pillow at night.  The only problem is that not every student turned their old scantron sheet in. So turn them in if they don't have highliter marks.  But I would like you and your child to talk about a few problems a day

Soon, the students will get their Short Task Packet back and they can study from that too.  We will staple the individual worksheets together to make another packet to keep studying from.  The key is to not memorize answers but to look for test taking strategies.  Look for ridiculous answers and cross them out.  Look at each question and try to answer which operation to choose.  (Add, subtract, Multiply, divide, fractions, graphs, etc.)  Look at the incorrect answer the MEAP test gives and explain to your child how they chose that answer as a choice.  For example, Perimeter and Area questions will have the answers when you times and add the length and width.  The students really need to know the question inside and out.

Thanks for being patient with the MEAP, but please stress with your child that it is so important.