Friday, September 6, 2013

Register for Irish Dance at McBain

Irish Dance Club
      8 Week Class
September 23-November 11

Easy to learn, fun to do, great music to hear!
$48 Session

Classes will take place at the:
McBain Choir Room

  Call Gina today for details
@  (231) 779-9976
or sign up in Mr. Fredin’s Room

Registration will be the first day of class.

First Week

Thank you for coming to the open house. It was good to see all of you. Thank you for all of the supplies brought in for your child.

IPAD update:  I think I am as excited as the students about these iPads.  We have learned basic things from turning them on and off, how to store them, we have taken pictures and discovered neat things that they do.  The students are assigned an email address.  This address is an in house email.  It means they can send email to me and to you if you give them you address but they cannot receive email.  Which protects them from spam and other things.  I would like you to email me at  You could just put address as the subject.  That way I will have it for my records and the students could email you too.

Book orders are coming home and they are due on Sept. 20th.  If you order on line you get a 5 dollar free book and the class gets a 3 dollar free book.   It is like free money.
Meap is about 6 weeks away.  We are doing a lot of review for it.  We are reviewing everything they learned in third grade.  The summer seams to have taken some of that knowledge from them.

Late Start:
Late Start is the third Monday of the month. School starts at 10:00 a.m. on those days.
Ways to reach me:
Class Blog- go to McBain Public School's homepage. click:
Elementary Teacher's Pages
Lars Fredin
From the class blog I have links to my website, my homepage, assignments, spelling lists.
Email me at
Call 825-8330 ext. 1518 to leave a message
Call the Elementary office 825-2021and they can connect you to my room.
Thanks for your support;