Today we are beginning our “Book Bag” program. In your child’s backpack you will find a
large folder containing a book and a calendar on which to keep a log of your
child’s home reading. I will try to send
a book home each evening for you to share with your child. When you and your child finish the book,
please record the title of the book and your initials on the calendar. Then return the book bag with the book and
calendar the next morning.
We will use our "Book It" calendar for Pizza Hut, where you color in the days that you read. If you don't have that I will make more copies. Just put the calendar in the folder that is coming home
I realize that some evenings can get very busy, but I would
like you to try to have your child read EVERY night. This reading activity should last at least
15-20 minutes.
The books are of varying levels of difficulty. Some your child may be able to read
independently, some may require assistance, and some you child will enjoy
listening to you read. If you are
reading a chapter book with your child just have them read one to two chapters
a night. What we are saying is they
don’t have to finish a book a night.
Read for the 15-20 minutes a night.
On the reading log just record the chapters that they’ve read.
I do realize that some children have books of their own that
they would rather read at home. That is
fine. Please record these books on the
log if you choose to read them instead.
Just make sure the reading log and book bag get back to school each
morning. This way I can keep track of every child’s reading.
Our classroom library is not very large, and some books are
getting old. So, please remind your
child to take special care of these books by always keeping them in the
protective folder.
Here are some tips on how you can help with reading at home:
Listen to your child read
If a word is not known have you child use
chunking strategies they’ve learned at school
Be positive
Enjoy the story
Remember that the best activity to teach reading is
reading. Relax, cuddle up in a
comfortable spot, and enjoy the story together.
With you support this program will be a big success. Happy reading!